© La Vélodyssée

Find a bike repair shop

Have a breakdown? No worries, you are not alone!

Surprises are inevitable on a cycling trip. Sometimes they are lovely, like the time Michel gave us a jar of honey because cycling trips reminded him of his younger days. And sometimes they are not so lovely, something that is also part of cycling.

Let us set the scene: it is a beautiful May day. The sun will soon reach its highest point and a light breeze cools us off and caresses our backs on every little hill. Nature is beautiful. The birds are singing and the prospect of an upcoming stop for lunch in a little town just 20 minutes away has brought big smiles to our faces. Suddenly… BANG! Flat tyre.

And this is where everyone usually falls into the same pattern, asking themselves the same questions: What are we going to do? Where can we find someone to help us? Why does this always happen to me?

All we can do about this last one is advise you to read our article on survival essentials for a successful cycling trip. Preparing for the unexpected is an art.

For the first two questions, we created an interactive map that tells you where to find your guardian angel (aka a bike repair shop) in case you have equipment problems, as well as some tips to help you become Mr or Ms Fix It during your cycling adventures:

💡 Think about it:

  • In the markets you can sometimes find bicycle repairers,
  • more and more mobile bike repairers are on the route, ask the Tourist Offices,
  • there are many participatory and supportive cycling workshops in France, you will come across some on your journey which will probably be able to help you out: in Redon, Nantes, La Rochelle, Bayonne, Hendaye and many others.