coucher-soleil_La-Rochelle_©La-Velodyssee_Aurelie-Stapf © La Vélodyssée - Aurélie Stapf (
Vue sur le port et la ville de Roscoff © Aurelie Stapf –
Forêt des Landes - Mimizan © Aurelie Stapf –
Lac de Guerledan © La Vélodyssée - Aurélie Stapf (
Château des Ducs de Bretagne à Nantes © © Aurelie Stapf –
Saint-Jean-de-Luz © Aurelie Stapf –

Overview of the La Vélodyssée route

La Vélodyssée cycling route is:

picto velodyssee

The longest equipped cycling route in France, from north to south. Work out all your stress while cycling the west coast of France, discovering all of treasures of France’s Atlantic regions.

  • 1,300 km of equipped cycling route, marked in both directions
  • A journey by the sea through three regions and nine departments, cycling on the Atlantic coast of France
  • 76% of the route on greenways or cycle paths

10 ans

carte la velodyssee

The spirit of La Vélodyssée is:


Tailor-made itineraries

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